Sunday, October 10, 2021


 Good Evening Sherwood Family:

I hope you are having a wonderful and restful weekend.  Below are some important updates and information for all of you.  Please read this email and review the attached flyers and forms as well.  

I also want to remind all parents that we are taking students to get their vaccinations and/or physicals this week if you are interested in allowing your child to attend. Students will be going to BEETHOVEN HEALTH CLINIC and will be given whatever immunizations they need and a physical. This will save you time and a trip to your physician. Please let us know if you are interested by calling this TUESDAY at 773-535-0829 dial 0 and ask for Ms. Bryant or Ms. Buzanis.  All health requirements must be completed by this week OCTOBER 15 by all of our students in order to avoid exclusion from school. Please take your child to the doctor or sign up for our October 14 field trip to the health clinic ASAP.


1. There is NO SCHOOL Monday, October 11, 2021.

2. COVID VACCINATIONS will be offered Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at Sherwood School  10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for parents, students and any friends and family that are interested in getting vaccinated.  If you are interested in getting vaccinated or you might want to meet with medical professionals with any questions, please join us this TUESDAY at Sherwood at 10 a.m. until 12 p.m.  Please enter through DOOR 2 ONLY (door at the front of the building closest to Princeton and 57th Street).  Children must arrive with their parents and it is offered to children between the ages of 12 to 17 years old. A medical team will offer services beginning at 10am. to 12 p.m.  A second event is also scheduled three weeks later on 11/2/21 at the same time (10am-12pm).  Parents/guardians of 12-17yo must be present with their child at this time.  They accept same-day/walk-ins.  Parents/students and staff seeking vaccination services are also encouraged to visit the COVID-19 Vaccination website where they may schedule an appointment at one of our CPS-operated Regional Vaccination Clinic locations.  Visit:  

10 A.M. TO 12 P.M.
Dose #1 October 12
Dose #2 November 2
245 W 57TH ST, Chicago, IL, 60621

3. Thank you parents for following our process to keep our children safe.  Please continue to send your child to school at 9 a.m. and not earlier please.  Staff is in the building preparing for your child.  Upon arrival procedures are taking place to ensure our students enter a clean, orderly building and classrooms. We cannot allow anyone to enter early due to our morning procedures of breakfast preparation, cleaning, spraying and airing out our classrooms. Let's continue to work as a team to keep our children and staff safe.

4. The responsibility to keep our classrooms safe is one that we all share. Getting vaccinated, wearing a mask, washing your hands, staying home if you’re sick, and reporting a positive test to CPS at these are things that we all must do to make our schools as safe as possible.

5. Please send your child to school with their masks on, a plastic water bottle filled with cold water and a change of clothes for our younger students. Please also remind your child to keep their distance in the classroom (3 feet apart), follow the classroom rules, and to wash their hands frequently. Together we will get through this and I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

6. Progress Reports were sent out. Please email or call your child's teacher to discuss any grades below a C. We want our children to be successful and teacher-parent communication is the key to success.

7. Attendance is very important and we need to make sure our children attend each day without fail. School prepares us for our future and good attendance means good work ethic and a successful future. PLEASE send your child to school each and everyday to ensure success. We want all of our children who are healthy to join us each and every day.

8. Your child will bring forms home for you to fill out on Tuesday. Please make sure you return them in order to have up to date phone numbers and other important information on record.

10. I wanted to reach out to you regarding optional Covid-19 testing that is being conducted at Sherwood for all of our students and staff members each week. If you would like your child tested weekly for COVID-19, please click on the link below and complete the form.  This will give us permission to test them weekly at Sherwood. The procedure is painless and the children are monitored as they swab their nostrils on their own.  If your child is on the volleyball team or any sports programs they must be tested weekly in order for them to participate. Please click on the link below.  We encourage all of our families to engage in weekly testing for their children.